发电技术 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (5): 888-898.DOI: 10.12096/j.2096-4528.pgt.24019

• 新能源 • 上一篇    


张杰, 罗雪鹏   

  1. 石油天然气装备教育部重点实验室(西南石油大学),四川省 成都市 610500
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-25 修回日期:2024-02-19 出版日期:2024-10-31 发布日期:2024-10-29
  • 作者简介:张杰(1987),男,博士,教授,研究方向为管道与压力容器服役安全、清洁能源安全高效利用,Longmenshao@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Development Status and Prospect of Key Technologies for Liquid Hydrogen Production-Storage-Transportation-Refueling

Jie ZHANG, Xuepeng LUO   

  1. Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Equipment, Ministry of Education (Southwest Petroleum University), Chengdu 610500, Sichuan Province, China
  • Received:2024-01-25 Revised:2024-02-19 Published:2024-10-31 Online:2024-10-29
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foudation of China(52104223)


目的 液态储运是实现氢气大规模、远距离储运,保证氢能规模化应用的有效途径之一。目前,我国针对液氢制备、储运及加注领域的研究相对较少,为此,对该领域关键技术发展现状进行了分析。 方法 对比了高压气态、液态及固态储氢技术的优缺点;综述了液氢制备过程中的主要液化方法、液氢储存绝热技术与关键材料;分析了不同液氢运输方式与装备的特点;梳理了液氢加氢站建设情况,并对比了液氢加注技术;阐述了液氢主要应用领域和产业化模式,并对近年来我国液氢储运专利技术进行了统计分析。 结论 提出了我国液氢储运发展面临的“卡脖子”难点及亟需技术攻关的方向。研究结果可为液氢关键技术的研究与装备的研制提供参考。

关键词: 氢能, 液氢, 液化制取, 液氢储运, 液氢加注, 储罐


Objectives Liquid storage and transportation is one of the effective ways to realize large-scale and long-distance storage and transportation of hydrogen and ensure the large-scale application of hydrogen energy. At present, there is relatively little research on the preparation, storage, transportation, and refueling of liquid hydrogen in China. Therefore, the current development status analysis of key technologies in these fields was conducted. Methods The advantages and disadvantages of high pressure gaseous storage, liquid hydrogen storage and solid hydrogen storage technologies were compared. The main liquefaction methods, liquid hydrogen storage insulation technologies and key materials in the process of liquid hydrogen preparation were reviewed. The characteristics of different transportation modes and equipments of liquid hydrogen were analyzed. The construction of liquid hydrogen hydrogenation station was combed, and the liquid hydrogen filling technologies were compared. The main application fields and industrialization modes of liquid hydrogen were expounded, and a statistical analysis of the patent technologies of liquid hydrogen storage and transportation in China in recent years was carried. Results The “neck-stuck” difficulties faced by the development of liquid hydrogen storage and transportation in China and the urgent need for technical research directions were proposed. Conclusions The results can provide reference for the key technology research and equipment development of liquid hydrogen.

Key words: hydrogen energy, liquid hydrogen, liquefaction preparation, liquid hydrogen storage and transportation, liquid hydrogen filling, storage tank
