发电技术 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (5): 975-982.DOI: 10.12096/j.2096-4528.pgt.23112

• 智能电网 • 上一篇    


吴任博1,2, 黄奕俊1   

  1. 1.广东电网有限责任公司广州供电局,广东省 广州市 510000
    2.山东大学电气工程学院,山东省 济南市 250061
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-14 修回日期:2023-12-25 出版日期:2024-10-31 发布日期:2024-10-29
  • 作者简介:吴任博(1983),男,博士研究生,高级工程师,从事电力系统及其自动化技术研究,15876510818@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Research on Reconfiguration Strategy of Distributed Distribution Network With Self-Healing Performance Under High-Proportion Renewable Energy Access

Renbo WU1,2, Yijun HUANG1   

  1. 1.Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Power Grid Co. , Ltd. , Guangzhou 510000, Guangdong Province, China
    2.School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, Shandong Province, China
  • Received:2023-09-14 Revised:2023-12-25 Published:2024-10-31 Online:2024-10-29
  • Supported by:
    National Key R&D Program of China(2020YFC1512700);Southern Power Grid Distribution Automation Technology Improvement Project(080016GS62210001)


目的 随着可再生能源电网占比逐年增加,电网的波动性和不确定性显著提升,给配电网的安全运行带来挑战。针对高比例新能源电网分布式配网重构问题,提出一种在线滚动优化框架方法。 方法 通过分布式共识协议获取网络拓扑和节点运行信息,在N-1和N-2线路故障状态下自动重构,实现配电网无额外外部触发信号情况下自动恢复正常运行,保证电网经济运行。同时采用滚动优化方法处理高比例可再生能源所导致的电网波动问题,并利用生成对抗网络(generative adversarial network,GAN)技术生成新数据,结合历史数据实现电网运行数据高精度预测。 结果 所提方法在正常状态、单点故障和两点故障3种情况下,均能实现电网的自动经济运行优化和自愈修复。 结论 与鲁棒规划和随机规划等方法相比,所提出方法可提升电网预测精度。

关键词: 可再生能源, 分布式电源, 配电网重构, 配电网自愈, 高比例新能源, 分布式优化, 滚动优化


Objectives As the proportion of renewable energy in power grids increases year by year, the volatility and uncertainty of the grid are significantly heightened, posing challenges to the safe operation of distribution networks. To address the issue of distributed network reconfiguration in high-proportion renewable energy grids, this paper proposed an online rolling optimization framework. Methods The framework utilized a distributed consensus protocol to obtain network topology and node operation information. It can enable automatic reconfiguration in the event of N-1 and N-2 line failures, allowing the distribution network to automatically restore normal operation without the need for additional external triggering signals, thus ensuring economic operation of the grid. Additionally, a rolling optimization method was employed to handle grid fluctuations caused by the high proportion of renewable energy, and generative adversarial network (GAN) technology was used to generate new data, which combined with historical data. It can help to achieve high-precision forecasting of grid operation data. Results The proposed method can achieve automatic economic optimization and self-healing in normal, single-point failure, and two-point failure scenarios. Conclusions This method provides an effective solution for ensuring the safe operation of distributed networks in high-proportion renewable energy grids.

Key words: renewable energy, distributed generator, distribution network reconstruction, distribution network self-healing, high proportion of new energy, distributed optimization, look-ahead optimization
