发电技术 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (5): 919-928.DOI: 10.12096/j.2096-4528.pgt.23140

• 发电及环境保护 • 上一篇    


解婷婷, 孙友源, 郭振, 宋明光   

  1. 华电电力科学研究院有限公司,浙江省 杭州市 310030
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-06 修回日期:2023-12-27 出版日期:2024-10-31 发布日期:2024-10-29
  • 作者简介:解婷婷(1990),女,硕士,工程师,主要从事碳排放监测与低碳技术研究,tingting-xie@chder.com

Summary of Research and Application of Continuous Monitoring Technology for Carbon Emissions From Thermal Power Units

Tingting XIE, Youyuan SUN, Zhen GUO, Mingguang SONG   

  1. Huadian Electric Power Research Institute Co. , Ltd. , Hangzhou 310030, Zhejiang Province, China
  • Received:2023-11-06 Revised:2023-12-27 Published:2024-10-31 Online:2024-10-29


目的 CO2排放量的准确计量对碳减排和碳市场运行具有重要意义。连续监测技术是火电机组烟气碳排放量计量的重要手段,与核算法相比,具有人为干预少、自动化程度高、时效性强等优点。对碳排放连续监测技术研究进展和应用现状进行综述,旨在为发电行业建立更加完善的碳排放量计量方法体系和碳排放数据管理体系提供参考。 方法 重点阐述了烟气CO2浓度监测技术和流量监测技术的研究进展,分析了碳排放连续监测技术在美国、欧盟和我国火电厂的应用现状,论述了连续监测法与核算法的对比研究情况。 结论 碳排放连续监测技术面临的技术难题是烟气流量的准确监测;连续监测法与核算法得到的碳排放量大小和准确度存在较大的差异。基于我国碳排放连续监测现实情况,建议尽快完善相关政策及标准体系,深入开展技术研究,拓展技术应用。

关键词: 碳达峰, 碳中和, 火电机组, 碳减排, 碳市场, 连续监测技术


Objectives The accurate measurement of CO2 emission is of great significance for carbon reduction and the operation of carbon market. Continuous monitoring technology is an important means of measuring carbon emissions from flue gas of thermal power units. Compared with the accounting method, it has the advantages of less human intervention, high automation, and strong timeliness.The research progress and application status of continuous monitoring technology for carbon emissions was reviewed, aiming to provide reference for the power generation industry to establish a more perfect carbon emission measurement method system and carbon emission data management system. Methods The research progress of CO2 concentration monitoring technology and flow monitoring technology in flue gas was emphasized. The current application status of continuous carbon emission monitoring technology in thermal power plants in the United States, the European Union and China was analyzed. The comparative research situation between continuous monitoring method and accounting method was discussed. Conclusions The technical challenge faced by continuous carbon emission monitoring technology is the accurate monitoring of flue gas flow rate. There are great differences in the magnitude and accuracy of carbon emissions obtained by continuous monitoring and accounting methods. Based on the current situation of continuous monitoring of carbon emissions in China, it is recommended to improve the relevant policies and standard system as soon as possible, conduct in-depth technological research, and expand technological applications.

Key words: carbon peak, carbon neutrality, thermal power units, carbon reduction, carbon market, continuous monitoring technology
