发电技术 ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (6): 745-757.DOI: 10.12096/j.2096-4528.pgt.23086
• 虚拟电厂规划、调度与控制技术 • 下一篇
许星原1, 陈皓勇1,2, 黄宇翔1, 吴晓彬1, 王宇绅1, 廉俊豪1, 张健彬2
Xingyuan XU1, Haoyong CHEN1,2, Yuxiang HUANG1, Xiaobin WU1, Yushen WANG1, Junhao LIAN1, Jianbin ZHANG2
Haoyong CHEN
Supported by:
许星原, 陈皓勇, 黄宇翔, 吴晓彬, 王宇绅, 廉俊豪, 张健彬. 虚拟电厂市场化交易中的挑战、策略与关键技术[J]. 发电技术, 2023, 44(6): 745-757.
Xingyuan XU, Haoyong CHEN, Yuxiang HUANG, Xiaobin WU, Yushen WANG, Junhao LIAN, Jianbin ZHANG. Challenges, Strategies and Key Technologies for Virtual Power Plants in Market Trading[J]. Power Generation Technology, 2023, 44(6): 745-757.
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